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Sep 18, 2016

Dealing with Grief


There is nothing harder than loss. When you lose someone important to you, it can bring about fears, sadness, and a host of other emotions that are difficult to control and may be all-too consuming.

If you're struggling with grief, you're not alone. Thousands of people are suffering each and every day. That's why I offer grief psychotherapist counselling and grief management services to those that need help coping with loss.

Why Grief Therapy is Important

Grief is one of the most complex emotions possible. There are good days and bad days. There are setbacks and there are advancements. Grief recovery takes time. But when you feel like you're not seeing that improvement, or you feel helpless as though you're not able to recover, a trained grief counselor can be a big help.

Why Do We Feel So Terrible After Loss?

Grief isn't a single emotion. It's a wave of emotions brought on by many of the different aspects of loss. The reason it is such an intense feeling is because:

  • It represents a tremendous change in your life.
  • Someone important to you isn't a part of your future.
  • It can cause you to come to terms with your own mortality.
  • It can cause you to think back on your regrets with the person.
  • Life goes on.

It's that latter point that causes grief emotions to occur. Suddenly you're expected to still go day to day in your life, despite this absence of someone that was important to you.

Your Calgary Grief Counselor

When you find that you're hurting and you need someone to talk to, give me a call. I have offices in both Calgary and Canmore, and I want to be here for you to talk to.

Remember that on the road to recovery there are always ups and downs. Even after you've recovered you can occasionally have a bad day. The key is to find ways to maximize the ups and life through the downs. It's about learning coping tools to make sure your grief doesn't have a lasting impact.

There is nothing wrong with grieving for the loss of a loved one. Indeed, it shows how much that person played a significant role in your life. But that person also wouldn't want you to lose out on your own life simply because of your loss. They'd want you to still be happy, and live happily with each and every day.

That's what grief counseling is for. With the right tips, you can control the sadness you have and – while you'll still miss the person – stop it from preventing you from finding your own happiness.

Contact Me Today to Discuss Grief Therapy Services

If you feel like you're struggling to overcome your grief or you just need someone to talk to, give me a call today. I'm confident that working together we can help you cope with your loss, and set yourself back on the road to recovery. I am a trained psychotherapist and have worked with many people that were struggling with grief management.

Call today so we can schedule an appointment.

I am the founder of One Life Counselling and Coaching LTD and I am honored to lead a team of professional psychologists, psychotherapist’s and life coaches who dedicate their professional lives to helping people to elevate their mindsets, evolve their beliefs and learn to thrive in the present moment.
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