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Anger Management Counselling Calgary

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Anger: A red hot emotion that can hijack your brain. It’s like a burning flame that overrides all other thoughts and feelings, leaving you hostile and negative. 

When you get angry, your body surges with stress hormones, your heart rate and blood pressure spike, and your skin sweats. Your body screams at you to act—to let out the anger that’s tearing you up inside.

That’s why anger tends to cause unhealthy behaviours—like lashing out at someone. Or worse, some try to bottle it up, only for it to explode later. 

No one is immune to anger; it’s something we’re all familiar with. But for some, anger causes persistent problems that interfere with their relationships, career, and everyday challenges. One event can trigger a fury that leaves a destructive trail in its wake.

Do you need help regulating your emotions? At One Life Counselling & Coaching in Calgary, AB, we can help. Our anger management therapists can teach you how to become more aware of your emotions and control your reactions. You’ll learn to develop strategies to cope with anger and stay in control of your actions. 

If you’re seeking a healthier way to express your emotions, One Life can help. Here’s how anger management counselling can assist you:

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Anger Management FAQ

What Is Anger Management Therapy?

It’s a type of psychotherapy where you learn how to manage anger. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to anger management therapy; instead, we tailor your treatment based on your individual needs and challenges. 

Avoiding your anger does not make it go away. At One Life, we use evidence-based techniques for anger and stress management. 

Through therapy, you’ll learn what’s causing your anger. Is it due to the small inconveniences—like the bus being late or noisy distractions? Or is it something deeper? You’ll also develop skills to express your emotions in healthier ways.

How Do I Know if I Need Anger Management Counselling?

Anger isn’t always destructive; in some situations, it can be useful. It helps us see when others are treating us disrespectfully or unfairly. It prepares our bodies to avoid an immediate threat. And it motivates us to stand up for ourselves when we need to. 

But when anger becomes problematic, it damages our relationships, reputation, and careers. 

Self-awareness is an important part of managing anger. Not sure if you need anger management classes? To find out, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you get into regular arguments with your partner, family members, or friends?
  2. Do you find it hard to manage anger in stressful situations?
  3. When you’re feeling angry, are you unable to think of anything else?
  4. Do you often say or do things in the heat of the moment that you later regret?
  5. Is your anger causing problems with work or school? 
  6. When you experience anger, how do you react? Does your temperature rise? Do you clench your jaw and fists? Does your vision get blurry? 
  7. Do you feel like your anger goes from 0 to 100 when something goes wrong?

Did you answer “yes” to a majority of these questions? If so, your anger is significantly affecting your life and relationships. You can get a handle on anger management issues through counselling.

How Does Anger Management Therapy Work?

Can you recall what you did the last time you got angry? You may have made a rash decision seconds after your temper flared. With anger management therapy, the focus is on handling that anger in a healthier, less destructive way.

You’ll also become more aware of what triggers your anger. Learn which events and signals cause your emotions to rise, and calm yourself down before you make a hasty decision. 

Anger dictates our behaviours for us. It pushes us to raise our voices, lose our patience, and overlook what our rational mind is telling us. Through anger management therapy, you can learn how to stay in control of your emotions.

Who Can Benefit From Anger Management Therapy?

Anyone who feels like they’re losing control of their thoughts or actions can benefit from therapy. 

Anger affects life in so many ways. It’s a normal reaction when something doesn’t go as planned, when we feel disrespected, or when we can’t get the outcome we’ve tried so hard to work for. 

But anger isn’t always directed at other people; sometimes, we get angry at ourselves. This, too, can express itself in unhealthy ways, including self-harm and substance abuse. 

Anger management can help you build a better relationship with yourself and the people you care about. It’s a way to stop your emotions from controlling your mind and instead, use logic and reason.

Will Anger Management Therapy Work for Me?

If you’re willing to work on your self-control, separate your actions from your emotions, and calmly communicate your feelings, try anger management! A large analysis found that 75% of people who took anger management therapy noticed an improvement. 

Counselling empowers you to challenge belief systems and thought patterns that are no longer serving you. You can change your mindset to better cope with anger.

What Are the Benefits of Anger Management Therapy?

Sometimes, the littlest things can set us off, and our anger isn’t proportionate to the event that caused it. Once you dig deeper, you learn that your emotional responses and anger issues are part of a bigger picture.

Here are a few ways you can learn to manage your anger:

  • Recognize triggers. In real life, things happen in a moment. But in therapy, you’ll learn to look back and better understand why you reacted the way you did. By becoming aware of your triggers and how you respond to them, you take power away from them.
  • Be mindful of your emotions. How are you really feeling? And what’s making you feel that way? Sometimes, we feel angry because we’re hurt, don’t feel heard, or don’t get what we want. Being aware of that anger and what’s causing it is the first step to controlling it.
  • Find conflict resolution strategies. It’s inevitable: Sometimes, we disagree with other people, whether it’s with our partner, boss, or parent. Anger gets in the way of resolving conflicts, but through therapy, you can learn to stay cool, calm, and collected. And when your emotions are running too high, you can learn to step away until you’re in a better state of mind.
  • Alter the way you think. If your thought patterns feel fixed, don’t worry—with therapy, you can learn to challenge your thoughts and reactions. You can recognize when your thought patterns aren’t helpful or rational and reframe how you perceive things.
  • Learn how to calm down. This can be done through deep breathing, taking a cold shower, and/or visualization techniques.


What Is the Best Therapy for Anger Management?

The right therapy for you will depend on what you’re looking for, what you’re dealing with, and which practices resonate most with you.

One popular approach is cognitive behavioural therapy. The concept behind CBT is that to change your behaviour, you need to change how you think. With CBT, you can identify thinking patterns that are destructive to you. Break bad habits and replace negative thoughts through CBT.

Another is dialectical behaviour therapy. This is especially useful for people who want help regulating their emotional responses. DBT helps you communicate effectively with those around you, regulate your emotions, and be more mindful of your thoughts. Not only will you learn these techniques, but you’ll discover how to implement them in your life.

During your consultation, we can determine which treatment will be most effective for you.

What are the goals of anger management counselling?

The main goal of anger management counselling is to help you learn to manage your anger in healthy ways.  This may include recognizing triggers, becoming more mindful of your emotions, exploring conflict resolution strategies, altering your thought patterns, and learning how to effectively calm down.

How is anger management counselling different from therapy for other mental health issues?

Anger management therapy is one facet of individual counselling and can be contextualized within a larger framework.  It’s built around each patient's individual needs and may remain focused solely on anger management techniques or might explore related issues such as self-harm, substance abuse, and more.  

Three popular approaches for anger management therapy are CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), DBT (dialectical behavioural therapy) and ACT Acceptance Commitment Therapy.

What can I expect during my first anger management counselling session?

During your first anger management counselling session, you can expect to begin building a relationship with your therapist and creating a roadmap for moving forward.  It’s a good idea to come prepared with some ideas of what you’d like to discuss.

How many sessions of anger management counselling will I need?

There’s no way to know exactly how many sessions will be right for you.  Together, you and your therapist will decide how frequently you’ll meet to ensure progress.

Are there any exercises or techniques I can practice at home to help manage my anger?

Yes.  An important aspect of anger management counselling is learning proven techniques that can help you to control your anger in healthy ways no matter where you are. 

Can anger management counselling be done online or over the phone?

Yes!  No matter the reason, if you prefer to access anger management counselling services remotely by phone or video instead of in person, One Life can accommodate.

Is anger management counselling covered by insurance?

Most major insurance plans cover individual psychological counselling.  If you plan to use insurance for your sessions, please let One Life know when you book your first appointment.

How can I find a qualified anger management counsellor in my area?

All of One Life’s counsellors are fully qualified.  If you’re interested in a specific type of anger management therapy, let us know so we can connect you with the right counsellor.

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Virtual or In-Person Counselling

Maybe you can’t make it to our office in Calgary, AB. Or maybe you can’t fit an in-person appointment into your busy schedule. Not to worry: We offer online therapy, too! We know that virtual counselling can be more convenient for our new clients. With One Life Counselling & Coaching, you’ll always have the option to choose in-person or online therapy.

Start Anger Management in Calgary, AB Today!

Human emotion is an unavoidable part of life; we can’t get rid of all the things that make us angry. But we can change how we react to those things.

If you don’t want to let anger dictate your decisions anymore, we can help. Through anger management, you can learn to handle life’s problems with calm and level-headedness. 

Regain control of your mind with anger management counselling in Calgary. At One Life, we offer counselling, coaching, and psychotherapy services. Learn emotional regulation skills and stop letting anger rule your life. Contact us today!
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Rates and Insurance


Individual Sessions

(60 minutes)
$220 + GST
Per Session

Couples Sessions
(Recommended first 4-6 sessions)

(90 minutes)
$330 + GST
Per Session

Maintenance Couples Counselling
Follow-up or Maintenance

(60 minutes)
$220 + GST
Per Session


(60 minutes)
$220 + GST
Per Session

If being able to use your insurance benefits is an important factor in your selection, our team would be happy to recommend one of our therapists who's services are covered by most insurance plans. Please be sure to confirm in advance if insurance coverage is preferred.

Our standard fees are aligned with the recommended fee schedule from the Psychologist’s Association of Alberta. However, we offer the added value of 60-minute sessions in contrast to the recommended 50-minute session for this fee.

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